Dream Journal

Start a dream journal to track and analyze your dreams. Share your entries with our dream sharing community and uncover hidden messages in your dreams.

Mane Jun 19, 2024, 3:47 PM
Alex, a modern industrial entrepreneur in New York, dreams of being sent to ancient Greece, where he becomes a leading figure in advanced technological ideas In Athens, he unveils early modern machines, wins the interest of scholars and King Theseus Alex turned attention Athens became a land of wonders. Along the way, he makes deeper connections, learns about and falls in love with Greek culture. A visit to Athena shows that her journey was a journey of many years, mixing ancient wisdom with new futuristic elements. Reawakening in New York, Alex is inspired to incorporate ancient philosophies into his work, creating technology that honors history and progress.
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Invincible May 18, 2024, 8:14 PM
Dream: A superhero who can fly
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