Dream: A Dark Deserted Town

Dream: A Dark Deserted Town

A dark Deserted Town

Hey everyone , This is my post on Questmist. I hope you guys will like it.This is a dream I had recently.

 In this dream, I was just wandering through a dark, deserted city with empty streets and empty buildings.
As I walked, I kept hearing whispers and quiet cries coming from around the corner, but every time I turned around to see what it was, there was nothing there.

As I continued to walk through the empty streets, a creeping feeling of dread began to accompany me, the feeling that someone  might be there grew stronger by the second.Suddenly, a loud piercing scream brought me back to reality.

When I looked up, Out of the blue, some figures appeared from behind the trees. These spectres were turning and twisting in a terrible dance as if they had been twisted by fear to assume their strange shapes. They possessed eyes that flashed with bitter hatred and unnatural smiles that made me creep out. I attempted to run, but my feet felt like they were made of lead and so I was being dragged down into the darkness

Suddenly I woke up , sweating  and my heart pounding in my chest as all of these was real and not a nightmare creature .Even after I opened my eyes, I still felt the terror of the dream for a while after I woke up.

Thats all.

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