Short-Dream: Being chased and flowers

Short-Dream: Being chased and flowers

Being chased and flowers

I found myself in a field of beautiful daisies. Suddenly the daisies started to move and change; petals curled inside and stalks grew longer and thicker. They transformed into hideous Venus flytraps with sharp teeth.


Terror filled all my senses as I ran as fast as I could; the flowers were quickly moving after me. When I cast a glance back, one was getting nearer by seconds. Its open mouth was wide enough to swallow me whole, complete with sharp teeth sticking out of it. The rough substance of its stem touched my body as its teeth snapped just inches away from my face. Even though I stumbled, trying to flee from it, it was faster than me.

Eventually the monstrous flower jumped on me injuring my arm with its teeth. In that moment, I woke up. It seemed very real.


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Mony mukta