Beginner's Guide : How to write a Dream Journal

Beginner's Guide : How to write a Dream Journal


So, are you tired of your beautiful dreams that vanish just after waking up? Do you wish to remember all the mad adventures and weird scenarios that happen in sleep? Then it’s time to start a dream journal!

Why Start a Dream Journal?

A dream journal is a powerful instrument for penetrating into the subconscious mind, decoding hidden meanings of dreams, and even improving creativity as well as solving problems. Here are the steps on how to start your own journey with dream journal.

Capturing Your Dreams
To start with, you will need a diary or notebook where you can put down your dreams. It does not matter if it is a simple note book or leather bound one; choose what works for you. The point is having an area meant specifically for writing down dreams immediately when one awakes.

Afterwards, before going to sleep put your journal together with pen or pencil beside your bed. This way it will be easier for you to jot down the instant you wake up from bed rather than letting them fade away in morning mist.

As you slide into sleep, set your mind towards recollecting your dreams. You can even repeat a mantra like “I will remember my dreams” to imprint the thought in your subconscious.

When you wake up, don’t just get off the bed but lie down and try to recall what it is that you dreamt about. Do this by taking a few deep breaths and then allow the memories of the dream to come back slowly.

Now that you have a clear visual image of what happened during your slumber period take out a journal and start penning down. In it describe location, those people or animals you came across as well as any emotions felt while asleep. Try to capture every single detail so that you can preserve its content.

Forget about grammar and spelling – this diary is personal; thus feel free to use abbreviations or make rough sketches representing the images in your dream.

If recalling a dream is difficult for you, try remembering how exactly you were feeling when waking up. Emotions can be used to prompt remembrance of events; therefore note all instances where panic fear or happiness was experienced immediately after getting up.

Once you start writing in your dream journal, you might discern some patterns or motifs that appear repeatedly in your dreams. Take note of these symbols since they carry important meanings about what is deeply hidden in the mind and deep desires.

Dream interpretation guides or resources can be used to analyze your dreams. Try searching for common symbols that occur in dreams – this can offer some insight into what’s really going on beneath the surface of things.

Benefits of Dream Journaling

The more often you practice writing in your dream journal, the easier it will be for you to recall and decode your dreams. Hence, make sure that writing down the happenings of every night becomes a ritual for you so that with time, your dream recollection and intuition experience a surge.

A dream journal will not just help you remember your dreams but also understand yourself better; it provides insights into who one truly is at heart. So go get your pen ready and grab a notebook because it is time to embark on an incredible journey through vast imaginary world inside our minds. Have great imagination!

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