Short-Dream: Mixed Animal

Short-Dream: Mixed Animal

Short-Dream Mixed Animal

We are in a room with friends of my parents, cleaning out various things at someone's villa. We are rearranging furniture, moving some pieces out and throwing them away. We come across my bed at home – underneath, there is a wooden chest, and on both sides of the chest – both on the left and right – holes have appeared. They represent a hidden basement, a storage room, a shaft leading to the sewer system. This basement is so neglected that it’s more like a collapsing part under the bed – not just inward, but also deep down, a three-dimensionally rotting space.

Apart from being like an ordinary childhood nightmare – dark, filthy, with cobwebs – it was also infested with thousands of tiny creatures inside. And suddenly, most brazenly, out of the rounded right end emerged a mixed animal between a mink, a marten, an otter, a bit of a rat, and more of a weasel. I immediately call Stefan for help. He is not impressed at all and tells me I’m exaggerating and distorting things. He even finds it amusing and confidently asserts that it’s not a rat but a cockroach. I’m astonished that he doesn't see my reality, or rather, that he doesn't see the obvious. Angrily, I shout and beg him to get rid of it, to kill it.


But it hides. Stefan finally decides to take action and promises to remove it. But the horror remains – how will I live in this bed? Underneath and deep inside, there are obviously more creatures. Of course, since I think about it, they hint at their presence. These are nests of numerous insects and the most peculiar reptiles, some quite unpleasant and dangerous. The most insurmountable thing for me is that they have been living under my bed for a long time, and there’s no chance of cleaning them out. They are so many and have spread everywhere that even if we try, it’s clear that the nests will remain and continue to multiply.

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