Dream: My time in the future

Dream: My time in the future

My time in the future

Your world began to dissolve about you, like a watercolor in the rain, and you felt yourself whisked into some kaleidoscopic whirl of color and light. Then came an elasticity of time, a stretching and bending that seemed to merge past, present, and future together. You knew yourself journeying—not in a room, not in a town, but across the whole web of time.



When the kaleidoscope calmed down a little, you felt firm earth beneath your feet. The blinking eyes stood facing the gateway to the future. The scene opened before you in a breathtaking tableau of innovation and evolution that was far beyond anything one had contemplated.


Before you lay a sprawling metropolis, a city of soaring glass towers entwined with lush greenery. These huge structures were living ecosystems, not just buildings, with their exteriors clothed in verdant plants and flowers in bloom. The air was crisp and clean, humming with an energy that was soothing.



You looked down at yourself in sleek, adaptive fabrics. Wrist-borne, inconspicuous, there was a little device humming with life—instant AI assistant, by the name of Zenith. The voice of Zenith was soft, yet arresting, cocooning one in calm. "Welcome, traveler. You have come a long way. Might I suggest getting to know this world a little better?"


You nodded, feeling the unfurling of an adventure. You walked along the streets, in which people moved by you zip lining on their floating scooters and still others on magnetically levitating skateboards. Ads and artistic pieces holographically projected in mid-air, multicolored, bringing surroundings into life with bright displays. Citizens were clad in a myriad of attire, every item an intersection of aesthetics and functionality—tiny, embedded gadgets adorning them.


Zenith whisked you off to a magnificent park, unlike any you had ever seen. Trees towered above with thick leaves, iridescent, against which people hustled and bustled below; some reached unthinkable heights. The life within this park was one of children playing holographic games and others meditating on hovering platforms over serene ponds.


You walked towards a glowing, rounded structure in the middle of the park. It was a museum, but not of the past. Rather, it told of possible futures. Interactive exhibits inside the museum showed visitors what might become of possible technologies and advances that could be made within society. One exhibit drew your attention: an immersive hologram on teleportation detailing its development from science fiction to workable technology. You marveled both at how far this had gone and at the ease with which people now traveled across great distances in the blink of an eye.


Next thing you knew, Zenith whisked you off to a residential district unlike any other. Houses seemed to blend into the harmonious concatenation of organics and technology, which easily molded structures according to the whim of those who dwelled within them. Families gathered together in communal spaces, exchanging ideas and cultural stories in a unity that both felt new and timeless.


You entered a huge library with walls made, it seemed, of liquid glass, unlimitedly showing all kinds of books and texts. Your literature would materialize into your hands just by touching the glass. You got curious and asked Zenith to present you with writings on quantum physics. A book appeared right away, and when opened, animations came forth in such a way—as if the text was live nearly bringing it to life.


Farther on, you came into a huge, open square where people had run into what seemed to be a global council meeting. World leaders from all cultures and walks of life stood in assembly, their discussions openly broadcast to all. Decisive issues of the world, such as environmental policies, space exploration, and interplanetary relations, were discussed—a world functioning transparently and on mutual terms of respect.


As the evening drew in, Zenith hinted at an event atop the city's tallest building. Curious, you ascended an elevator that seemed to rocket up its track at light speed, with see-through sides for breathtaking views of the city. At the pinnacle, you were greeted by an unrivaled spectacle: a skyline lit by thousands of luminescent drones performing a choreographed dance against the twilight.


The stars above, brighter than one had ever seen, the cosmos full of promise. People of diverse backgrounds stood beside you at the railing, looking upward—all eyes aglow with awe and wonder. The feeling of oneness and movement was so robust it wrapped around a warm embrace of hope and inspiration.


As the vision began to fade, Zenith's voice returned as a soft whisper. "The future prospers due to choices made within your time. Remember that every action, every decision you make can shape what's to come.".


With those words ringing in your mind, reality began to reassert itself. The dream faded, and you awoke, bathed still in the glow of that future which you had visited. In this experience, you are left refreshed with a sense of purpose regarding the path ahead, a reminder that the way forward is always within grasp, shaped by hands and hearts of those willing to dream and act.


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Travis perkins