I was standing in the midst of a teeming metropolis with towering buildings and flickering lights. I was looking for my way to the venue for an interview but I seemed to be lost as I couldn’t locate the right road. There were several people whom I asked for directions but they all gave different responses.
While moving around the city, I accidentally came across a beautiful garden. The garden had plenty of brightly colored flowers and green trees that were full of life. So, I sat on a bench, closed my eyes and enjoyed the calmness around me.
Suddenly, there was sound of voice. It was soft and sweet like a murmur of wind breeze. The voice advised me not to follow others or base my actions on what other people think about me; instead, it urged me forward by showing that life is actually mine to create and choose.
I looked around but saw nobody when I opened my eyes again. With this voice seeming to be originating from inside my head or being his own mouthpiece at least, perhaps even its speaker, myself understood exactly what needed doing at last.
At this point, everything suddenly became clear to me after which glorious determination filled every part of me left behind by the departing previous ideas so that i new exactly where i was going
So i got up from the bench just outside the park gates and walked away confidently,. My instincts guided me through until reached at the place of interview. When I arrived there, i remained calm and composed during interviews.I answered confidently without any problems.
I went back to where we had held our meeting as soon as we finished our interviews in order to reflect about our previous discussion’s outcome.I felt an inner peace and accomplishment.I knew that I had made a good decision and also I am heading towards it.

Dream: Finding my own path
Nice one!
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