The legend of the Whispering Woods

The legend of the Whispering Woods

There was always the legend surrounding the Whispering Woods; a forest we all in the village heard about but the name alone was enough to make us lower our voices. He heard the others say that the trees held the promise of the universe for whoever was willing to bow and listen. He was willing to clear his doubt one day while it was still a bit cloudy and went deep into the forest.

I took my time and grabbed a few things I needed for the trail, plus my trusty notebook and put it all in a small bag and off I went. It was when I first entered the womb of the woods that time had seemed to change and I entered another zone. The atmosphere of the night was marred with suspense and for the first time, the sound of whispering voices almost inaudible could be heard within the sound of the rustling leaves.

Ask the soul of a woody area, that is what I seem to recall them whispering one day. They wove and turned, and turned again and at last I am out in this pretty, open, and sunny glade. And in the middle of them was an outlandish tree – it was old and twisted and its trunk was as large as a giant’s. I had walked up to the tree and gently put my hand on its surface, which is something that helped me feel a whole lot better.

Like a child of curiosity’; the voices appeared to echo, ‘you have stepped into the heart of the Whispering Woods’, the place where every soul leaves behind their dream, unraveling the tableau of the forest. This made forced in me to write about my dreams as well. We settled down under the tree and I started to take notes on the paper that was in my hand. Gifted with eloquent words that could say it all, I represented life, a dream come true. When I came to a halt, I put the notebook in that small pocket of the tree and felt a certain satisfaction. Looking back to the village I realigned with the nature and I’d developed a relationship that couldn’t be broken with the forest.

Though I had left it behind, a spark of me would remain there forever within the heart of Whispering Woods, narrating my tale to passersby and future generations.

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