Dream: The black bird and a question to you

Dream: The black bird and a question to you

Dream The black bird and a question to you

I usually dream a lot. But I also forget my dreams almost always. Here is an unforgotten dream about a black bird: Was it night or day, I don't recall, but I was sleeping in the dream when a strange sound woke me up. Suddenly, I was outside my house, deep into the woods. As I took a tentative step forward, my eyes were drawn like a magnet to a dark figure perched on a low-hanging branch nearby. It was ugly, scary and sad.Very sad! Intrigued, I kept approaching the bird until I was just a few centimeters from it. And I touched it. Suddenly, I was the bird, I felt like landing from a very long, long journey with no beginning and no end. And a great sadnessβ€”a sensation of hollow, emptiness! Like being dead, but still breathing! Besides sadness and emptiness, I could not feel anything else, but, I must say, in my emptiness, I felt relief. I felt as if everything didn't matter. All my problems, all my concerns: everything became insignificant. I wake from the dream. Nothing in my heart. But could not forget this dream. I reckon the black bird was death, and the emptiness was after death, with the relief. Does this mean I am going to die soon? Does it mean that death is the solution to all my problems? What do you think?


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