Short-Dream: Unexpected Encounters and New Neighbors

Unexpected Encounters and New Neighbors

This dream is written as a message I sent to my friend R.

I walk into Wendy's and see you and I am like "What the heck?" I didn't know that you work here (apparently you fix shit like broken frosty machines) You say something like "I like to keep busy" it feels like you might be a billionaire and do this job for fun.

You let me get whatever I want for free and tell the cashier dude ring it up under code 555. Then I go outside and eat on the bench. After I finish, I fall asleep there. You wake me up and ask if I want to go on a bike ride with you and everyone else. They were all waiting for you- only person I remember for sure was Wyeth (mutual friend). I wanted to go but by the time I put my stuff in my car, you guys were gone so I went home.

When I got there I realized I had new neighbors and went over to say hi. I asked them if they were from Alabama or Louisiana because they had southern accents and they said Louisiana but they were angry. They said "no one from Louisiana likes to be asked if they're from Alabama" or vice versa. So I told them that those were the only two states I could think of. Then they got drunk...... Then I had a few more dreams before waking up.

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Ashley Anderson