Short-Dream: Amazing Meeting With A Kindly Neighbor

Short-Dream Amazing Meeting With A Kindly Neighbor
In our ever changing subconscious mindscape, dreams work as the loom upon which we weave our deepest longings, fears and questionings. I had a dream last night that was so authentic and mesmerizing that it felt like I was stepping into an exquisitely animated book. And who was the hero of this nocturnal story? Just my nice neighbor turned an ordinary dream into a splendid adventure.

The Location: A Dreamy Suburb

The vision opened in a surrealist version of our suburb where familiar streets were bathed in golden twilight and houses chanted with friendly spirits. The air carried with it heavy scent of jasmine flowers blooming amidst laughter from children playing at a distance, giving the setting a strange blend of nostalgia and unreality.

The Nice Neighbor: The Enigmatic Cicerone

With a warm smile on his face and mischief gleaming in his eyes, my kind neighbor whose name for purposes here will be Mr Evergreen stood at my doorstep. In real life, Mr Evergreen is famous for his kindness as well as his love for gardening; he is often seen taking care of his lush garden or sharing farm produce with society members. In the dream though he was to become an old sage leading me through this magical town.

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