Dream Interpretation: Why You’re Dreaming of Your Ex Kissing You

Dream Interpretation: Why You’re Dreaming of Your Ex Kissing You

Over the years, I've had terrible feelings about breaking up with my most loved partner. But things seem not to work my way, and those terrible thoughts perhaps came to pass. However, the memory doesn't leave immediately; like everyone else in my shoes, we tend to watch them in our dreams.

The worst part is the opposite of my title, which I will handle the dream's interpretation in this article: seeing your ex-lover in a dream kissing someone else. 


I went ahead to confirm if this only happened to me or if it meant a nightmare, but I was surprised to see users on Quora sharing similar dream experiences. Based on the ideas I've gotten from different interpreters, I want to share the interpretation of this dream with my readers.

First, let's examine the meaning of kissing someone in a dream. 

What kissing signifies in a dream: Kissing someone in a dream represents blessings. But good things need to come with some struggles. The ex represents our lives' struggles, bad feelings, and sadness. Admittedly, most people have weak feelings about their exes and blame them for being the cause of the heartbreak they're facing. This dream is a reminder to get past our present sad feelings or experiences in life and focus on the love and blessings that await us every day.

Moving forward, we need to apply the details of this dream to our daily livelihood. It may differ from our previous relationship with the person.


Dreams need to be analyzed, often interpreted to mean something other than what we see in the dream. 

The meaning of this dream is for both genders, male and female. 

Since a relationship consists of male and female genders, it's supposed to mean unique things for each side of the sexes. Love, kindness, success, and goodwill know no gender, just as sadness, pain, and weaknesses do. Delving deeper into human behaviors, we'd notice both sexes possess masculine and feminine characteristics. However, one side may have a more significant portion of these energies.

So, this dream doesn't have any particular interpretation for a specific gender; it applies to everyone, regardless of gender. And it simply means how far we've neglected the other energy in us. If you're a woman, you must appreciate your masculine power and try to love and care about yourself. Love and kindness are no barriers; you mustn't wait to find a new relationship before you feel loved again.

On the other hand, men should nurture themselves and discover their best selves. Being different when we are with a woman and depressed when she leaves signifies that men don't acknowledge the feminine energy in them. Both sexes have balanced energies, and this dream strongly refers to uplifting those energies to help us in times of sadness and bad experiences. 

Throw Away Those regrets; something new and significant is on the way. 

I need to sideline the interpretation of this dream, which centers on relationships. Let's seize an opportunity to stress how we feel after a significant heartbreak. Would you decline an online order you placed because your ex is the delivery man?

It's tough, and I can remember crying over my first heartbreak. I also remember watching a friend cry over losing his girlfriend whom he wanted to marry. I regretted spending two years of my time with a girl who ended up cheating on me with another guy. And I could testify that everyone who genuinely loved their spouse or partner had to regret losing them. We feel we weren't caring enough, or maybe they weren't as good as they claimed. Nobody is too good, and nobody is too bad. 

Something leads to something, and we also hesitate to hear our partner's story. Many heartbroken people stay sad for decades and will never remain friends with their exes anymore. That's why they run for an interpretation when they see their ex kissing them on the lips in a dream.

Could it be an evil aura, or will something wrong happen to me? Nobody would be bothered by such dreams if they were still in love with the person. These years of regret and sad thoughts only derail our journey and life, putting us on hold. This dream tells us to receive the blessing and not to focus on who it came from, whether a friend or enemy. 

As I promised in the opening of my article, let's examine the opposite of this: our ex kissing somebody else. 

Unrelaxed feeling about your ex moving on: Seeing your ex kissing someone else means you're still worried that he left with somebody else. This dream has to do with our thoughts and minds. 

Readiness to date again: You're also keen to enter a new relationship. You can't watch yourself thinking about your ex-lover with a new lover. 

Feeling rejected: This dream may have nothing to do with your ex. As I once said in another interpretation, it's just you battling with your mind and accepting that you're less important because someone broke your heart. 

In a nutshell, these are my interpretations, and your thoughts are fully welcomed. Dreams are perceived differently according to what happened in the dream. And with the nature of your dream, there will be changes to its interpretations. I'll always urge everyone to appreciate each day as new and welcome it with joy, regardless of what happened yesterday. Those are in the past and shouldn't be why our new day will lack happiness.


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