True Tales: what is it like to live as an ex-criminal?

what is it like to live as an ex-criminal

Criminal, who or what is a criminal? A criminal is a person who has committed an illegal act that is considered a crime. Crimes can vary depending on their severity and type.

A criminal can be called a person who cannot behave like a normal person, who behaves completely differently from other people. fights, associates himself with the police, engages in activities against the law, engages in drug dealing, etc

My story started when I was 12-13 years old, living with an alcoholic mother, a bipolar sister and a mentally unstable brother.So young, you don't need much, except that your mother is a precursor to your future alcohol addiction and neighbors who show you the activities of a thug.When my sister had bipolar, from 14 to 18, it was one of the hardest times of my life. Every day I became sadder and sadder, until I myself realized that I was living under depression, which was also seen by the boarding school next door where I was placed for family reasons.

the boarding school where I was placed was fatal for me on my criminal path.

I went to boarding school in the 5th grade with a very broken soul. I couldn't control my emotions, every day I felt that life would be more beautiful for everyone and for me if I was gone.I became a bully at school, which I lived under until the 7th grade. it includes being beaten, mocking, taking away school things and many things that are enough for the young person to one day become the same gender as these bullies.enduring the years during which I learned to drink myself out of shape, fight and steal worst of all, mock other that moment I realized that this life I live is the most intense.

I was wrong.I started hanging out with people who seemed like the best friends to lean on. despite the fact that they are also criminals, as I was helped me from the old, bullying life, a new change had to come somewhere, so that I would feel better, I shouldn't be the subject of bullying, get along with people, because in the previous moments I had no friends, only acquaintancesalcohol consumption increased, accompanied by all kinds of beatings, traveling around the country, being wanted by local authorities, living in an orphanage, which fueled my criminal pathI always ran from the orphanage, and when I came back, I sat in the back seat of the police car or in the cell behind the police bus.

I was introduced to substances such as cannabis and amphetamine.during that time I was able to be addicted to cannabis for about 3-4 months, being only 14 myself. from consuming amphetamines, I became an intermediary for amphetamines.being wanted for almost a year, becoming addicted to cannabis, selling dangerous amphetamines, dealing with the police and emergency services for at least a week, fighting and running away from the police, repeatedly drinking myself out of shape, which could have ended fatally for me as a 14-year-old, something happened. something from which I understood that now all this must come to an the process of all this, i finally found out that i have to appear in court in at least 1 week to be put in jail. at that moment I didn't know how to act or what to do.the court sentenced me to 2 years in prison.being 16, a young boy fresh out of prison.

I changed the style of my life, I started going to my home school again, I started going to the gym, I was looking for new friends, which was the most difficult, even harder to find a girlfriend. all the way I went through, I became a criminal. it is believed that if you do something once, you will keep doing it, in my case it was that if you are once, then you will family no longer recognized me as a member of their family. if friends behaved in the same way among themselves, when they were with me they behaved as if I were some kind of mass murderer,

even though we got along and got along. living as an ex-criminal, you no longer get along with people the way they get along with each other. all this is actually painful and difficult. it takes many years to integrate into the human environment, to prove that you have changed, learned from your mistakes.


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Sergei Bõrnzjeva