Dream: Stabbed by a Friend

Dream: Stabbed by a Friend

Dream of Being Stabbed by a Friend: A Tale of Anger and Forgiveness

A dream that was so strong it compelled me to share with you. On a sunny day, my friend and I were under the tree.We had a difference but I can’t recall what caused it.To avoid the tension, I decided to climb up the tree.This made my pal angry,
In her anger she pulled out a knife and sliced.The pain was so intense that she fell from the tree.

Afterward, she felt sorry for her actions and asked me for forgiveness numerous times.Notwithstanding her immediate remorse, the wound did not stop burning.For the rest of our discourse I kept my hand on it trying to ease pain. 

Even after waking up I still reminisce about how colourful this dream was and its emotional spectrum including fear, pain and reconciliation with people who are dear to us in reality.It also forced me to consider how fragile human relationships are, even in dreams conflicts can escalate unexpectedly.Anger control is necessary as this dream exemplifies with consequences that could come from suppressing emotions.

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