Dream: From Serpents to Songbirds in the Night's Embrace

Dream: From Serpents to Songbirds in the Night's Embrace

From Serpents to Songbirds in the Night's Embrace

During the night I discovered myself in a yet soothing dream. I had a snake, an animal, with shiny scales that reflected colors of green, blue and yellow. I never gave her a name, as if knowing that names had a way of taming the boundless spirit she possessed.

Each evening, after ensuring her enclosure was secure, I would drift into slumber only to find her mysteriously vanished by midnight. No matter how diligent I was, she would disappear into the thick velvet darkness, her silent presence replaced by an empty cage that gnawed at my curiosity. Yet, just before dawn, she would return, coiled up delicately in her habitat, as if she had never left. This happened five times, each night leaving me both fascinated and bewildered.

On the sixth night, a profound shift in the dream's rhythm occurred. This time, when my snake returned, she was not alone. Two more snakes accompanied her, their sleek forms moving gracefully alongside her glimmering scales. I sensed a change in the air and in a blink, the serpents transformed into magnificent birds right before my eyes.

The first bird, with feathers the color of moonlight, claimed a nest in the kitchen. From there, she watched over the heart of my dream home, her eyes filled with wisdom and tranquility. The second bird, a vibrant burst of crimson and gold, built her nest on the porch. She stood guard over the threshold, her song a beacon of protection, intertwining with the night's symphony. The third bird, adorned in a mesmerizing mix of blues and greens, nested in the living room. She filled that space with an aura of serene beauty, her plumage a spectacle of nature's artistry.

I roamed my dream home under a sky spattered with stars, enchanted by these avian companions who had once been my snakes. The kitchen, the porch, and the living room transformed with their presence, becoming sanctuaries of peace and harmony. Each bird, in her own unique way, brought life and magic to the spaces they inhabited, their nests symbols of newfound respite and connection.

As dawn approached, I awoke to the faint, melodic whispers of the birds, their songs merging into a harmonious chorus that bridged the world of dreams and reality. I smiled, feeling a profound sense of wonder and gratitude for this extraordinary journey through the mysteries of night. Each nightly adventure had been a gift, a reminder that even the most enigmatic of creatures could transform and enrich our lives in ways we could never have imagined.

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Lio Soliven