Dream: The Journey to Self Acceptance

The Journey to Self Acceptance

I found myself surrounded by sand dunes and gentle hills in a vast, open desert. The sun was setting and it made the landscape look warm and golden. I was walking in the desert looking for something but not knowing what that thing was.

In the course of my walk, I could see a silhouette from afar. It stood on top of a sandhill in flowing long garments, calling me to come closer. As I approached him he spoke to me in an extremely soft voice.

“Something is missing” he told me “However you can’t find it here only within yourself”.

‘What does that mean?’ I asked the man, feeling perplexed. Then I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. After opening them again, when I looked around there were no more sands of that desert; instead, there were trees towering above me like skyscrapers with their topmost leaves reaching up into the sky.

I moved through the forest wondering at its beauty and peace. As I walked along, there an artificial pool surrounded by green grass came to sight. By its banks sat down close to it calmly gazing into its waters.

Suddenly I noticed my own reflection in water of a pond near by where i sat down; but this image seemed different before- it appeared as though someone else’s face reflected back at me with gleaming eyes instead of those dull ones I had before; shiny skin making us all look more youthful than ever – so that’s why they say one should stay young at heart forever! At that moment I realized that whatever finding meant it happened for sure: now i have accepted myself as i am!

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