What Do Falling Dreams Mean? Types and Interpretations

What Do Falling Dreams Mean? Types and Interpretations

Falling Dreams by Questmist

Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night, having a feeling that your heart has skipped a beat, after dreaming about falling? You’re not alone! Falling dreams are among the most common types of dreams people have all over the world. But what do they mean and are there different kinds of falling dreams?

Though these sorts of dreams can be disturbing, understanding their possible meanings and types can give us insightful information regarding our subconscious minds. Let's dive into the thrilling world of dream interpretation and uncover the secrets behind these nighttime adventures!


Interpretations from Psychology

Usually, when one has dreaming while falling he or she is likely to be anxious or unstable. They may show fear and loss of control over an area in which one feels unsuccessful. According to psychologists they are often seen as warnings from our unconscious mind that something in life lacks firm basis.

What Falling Dreams Actually Mean

These falls may invoke both great pleasure and deepest horror but what do they really symbolize? These dreams have fascinated psychologists and dream analysts for many years now leading to several theories coming up with time.

Losing Control

Most people commonly interpret falling dreams as representing loss of control in reality. This could be with regard to work, relationships or personal objectives you had set for yourself in the past. When you are under a lot of stress and anxiety originating from depression, your subconscious might manifest this feeling through a falling dream.

The Fear of not Succeeding

Another common interpretation is that falling dreams denote fear of failure. This holds particularly true when one is faced with high stakes challenge or change in their life. Falling may mean being afraid to disappoint others’ expectations or just the trepidation associated with taking risks.


Vulnerability and Fluctuations

Falling dreams sometimes can also be connected with insecurity and instability. If one is going through an uncertain time such as changing jobs or moving cities, the mind can translate this into a falling dream.

Physical Experience

Some researchers have found interesting associations between these types of dreams and physical experiences during sleep (Contrary, 2019). For example, feelings of falling can come from sudden muscle twitching or shifting sleeping positions which happen involuntarily during sleep.


Types of Falling Dreams

Not each fall in a dream is the same! There are various types of falling dreams, each with unique characteristics and potential meanings.

Descending out of Control

In this kind of dream you may feel like you are falling straight down into nowhere. Free-fall dreaming often comes with a sensation of powerlessness and lack of control. They can be especially intense, and leave an individual bewildered upon waking.


Tripping or Stumbling

Dreams where one stumbles, trips then falls could indicate embarrassment or fear for making mistakes. This type of dream may occur if you are anxious about a given occasion or situation where you do not feel properly prepared for or vulnerable.

High Fall

From time to time, one might have dreams about falling from an elevated place such as a building or a cliff which could hint at failing at something or going through life-changing events. The height from which one falls may reflect the extent of difficulty that they are undergoing.

Slow Motion Falling

Sometimes, fall can be experienced slowly in some dreams. These dreams can be very surrealistic and represent extended periods when people cannot make up their mind on any matter including recognizing their own personal problem while awake.

Statistics and Research

According to studies, falling dreams are exceedingly commonplace, with as many as 75% of people experiencing them at some point in their life. Falling dreams feature among the five most common types of dreams that were reported by individuals surveyed during a study done by American Academy of Sleep Medicine (source: AASM).

Through another study that was published on Dreaming Journal it was established that people who undergo high levels of stress and anxiety have more falling dreams than those without (source: APA PsycNet). This supports the idea that falling dreams are closely linked to emotional states.


Falling Dreams are Enchanting and Complex Cases That tell a Lot about Our Innermost Worlds. It offers us an opportunity to interpret our subconscious minds whether they symbolize loss of control, fear of failure or physical sensations. So, next time you find yourself plummeting through space in your dream, stop for a second and think what it may be telling you about your waking world. Good night!

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About Author
Julian Hart
Julian Hart

specialization in Existential psychology. Using both theory and experience, I will illuminate personal and philosophical dimensions of the images from your sleep times
