Dream: The Witch and a Firefighter



Last night, I had a dream. There was this witch who wanted to take over the world, and I was a new firefighter. I had this special power to burn supernatural things.

The dream started with me burning a house. Later, I was talking to someone who seemed to be my partner, and we were near a burning house. Out of nowhere in my dream, I was talking to someone else, a witch who was telling me she wouldn't leave me.

The chase continued, and I was trying to save my family while running around.

Then, I woke up in the middle of my dream. After a few minutes, I fell asleep again and saw a connected dream. There was a person whom I was talking to, he was sort of my apprentice who would do anything for me. Then, I woke up again.

That's all for today, guys. I hope I get the chance to continue this dream another day and can share the conclusion with you all.

Thanks for reading, guys.

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