Dream Journal : A Magical Cruise Adventure


A Magical Cruise Adventure

Dream Journal : A Magical Cruise Adventure
This dream is about a family cruise.

Dream starts with me with my family being on a luxury ship, and we couldn’t wait to step inside and start sailing on the high seas in readiness for an adventure.There were visits to remote islands and mouthwatering outside dining occasions aboard.

But, something strange occurred.

And that is when everything changed dramatically .

In this dream, I found out that I have powers and can change weather.

It is not a power i knew possible for people to have

I got an eerie feeling as I tried clearing it up.

Then came across a malicious ocean witch  who sought control of our ship and ultimately, 

Soon enough though, she had become my enemy number one and I was using storms left right centre driving her away by means of lightening bolts until she was no more than  mere memory.

My family as well as other cruisers asked me for safety precautions against evil spirits too.

She promised while giggling that she would never leave us alone hence forth again. 

Afterward ,the dream shifted and then there was conversation between me and an ally whom happened to be a mysterious person declaring himself as my instructor in controlling my abilities.

Then again, a high wave came and all of the people were in danger. There was a witch who actually came for me and wanted to steal my powers.

Then again, in the next scene, I saw myself sparring with her and I defeated her.

Then I woke up as usual. IDK why our brain works like this; why can't we see the ending of our dreams?

That's all for today.

Thanks for reading.

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