Why Do We Dream About Murder? Uncover the Hidden Meanings Behind These Disturbing Nightmares

Why Do We Dream About Murder? Uncover the Hidden Meanings Behind These Disturbing Nightmares

dreams about murders

Picture this: You’re in a dream, surrounded by a thick fog. You see someone in the distance, but as you move closer and see -- something terrible that has happened. You may dream about either committing murder, or having someone else (most likely a friend) be the victim. We all have those disturbing dreams which can lead us to also consider what they actually mean.


In this article we are going to reflect and find out Why Do We Dream about Murder, what their possible meanings could be according to the theory of dreams and Freud. Whether it be a psychological analysis or spiritual interpretation, this article will take you inside the world of murder dream meanings and reveal what such intense dreams might have to tell us.

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What Are Murder Dreams?

Dreams of murder are a form of dream or nightmare in which you kill someone or witness, participateor be killed. Those dreams tend to be intense and quite scary, probably the sort that makes you shiver a bit even after it ends. Unlike your normal nightmare, dreams of murder not only affect the way you feel,but they can be so realistic that after waking from them confusion and fear!


Murder is one of those things people think would never happen to them or their friends, so we continue watching the news and hearing these stories while shivering. Dreaming about murder isn't as rare as you might think. It may appear in several forms, but the main ingredients are violence and horror, sometimes with a touch of guilt or relief. You might experience these dreams while being chased by a killer or seeing someone killed in front of you.

Common Variations of Murder Dreams

  1. Dreaming of Committing a Murder: Dreams in which you are doing the act. Out of rage, in their self-defense or even without being provoked at all. They are violent dreams, a reminder that you must subdue these evil thoughts within. If this does not appear to be the case for those with no serial killer tendencies in their daytime persona one is left feeling used and disturbed by it all.

  2. Witnessing a Murder: In this scenario, You are the witness to a murder. You are literally the observer of a crime that is in progress yet you cannot do anything about. These dreams may bring out powerlessness, fear and panic.

  3. Being Chased by a Murderer: In this type of dreams, another person either a murderer or some bad looking person tries to put an end to your life. You may literally be fleeing for your life, in which case someone wants to kill you. You may be very scared or anxious when you are awake, and one of the most common nightmares is that.

  4. Dreaming About a Mass Murder: Mass murders — this is really serious stuff here, dreams of multiple people being murdered. They are often a little startling, and they stick with you; after the fact, it can make you wonder why your brain would even bring that visual to mind.

Why Do I Dream About Murder?

Dreams about murder can be triggered by a variety of factors. Understanding the underlying causes can help in interpreting the dream and finding out what it might mean.

Psychological Interpretations

From a psychological standpoint, murder dreams may either originate from suppressed feelings or unresolved issues. Well, the following are few reasons why you have these dreams:

  • Repressed Anger: If you are repressing anger or frustration, your inner mind may express these emotions catered through a violent dream. What this does not imply is that you are violent in any way, shape or form – more so your brain attempting to unravel and release those emotions.

  • Fear or Anxiety: such as being chased by a killer, witnessing murder indicate fear and anxiety in your real life. This could stem from a place of feeling threatened or helpless.

  • Guilt or Shame: If you dream about committing murder, it might be linked to feelings of guilt or shame. Your mind could be using this intense imagery to express regret over something you’ve done or a situation where you feel you’ve wronged someone.

Spiritual Significance

Some believe that dreams about killing or murder have a spiritual significance. In spiritual terms, these dreams might not be about actual violence but could symbolize a transformation or the end of something. For example:

  • Transformation or Change: A murder dream could signify the "killing" of old habits, beliefs, or ways of thinking. It might represent a significant change in your life or the end of a particular phase.

  • Rebirth: Similar to transformation, the end of something in a dream could signify a new beginning in your waking life. The death of one aspect of yourself might be making way for a new, stronger version of you.

How to Interpret a Murder Dream

Interpreting murder dreams isn’t always straightforward. However, here are a few steps you can take to try and understand what your dream might mean:

  1. Reflect on Your Emotions: What were you feeling in the dream? Fear, anger, sadness? These emotions can provide clues about what your subconscious is processing.

  2. Consider Your Current Life Situation: Are there any conflicts, stressors, or significant changes happening in your life? Your dream might be reflecting your feelings about these situations.

  3. Look for Patterns: If you have recurring dreams about committing murder or similar themes, there might be a deeper issue that needs addressing. Repeated dreams often signify unresolved feelings or situations.

  4. Keep a Dream Journal: Writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up can help you identify patterns and themes over time. This can provide valuable insight into your subconscious mind.

FAQs About Murder Dreams

1. What does it mean to dream about a mass murder?
Dreaming about a mass murder could reflect feelings of being overwhelmed or fear of a situation getting out of control. It might also signify societal fears or stressors affecting you.

2. Is dreaming of murder a sign of violent tendencies?
Not necessarily. Most of the time, dreams about murder are symbolic and represent emotions or situations rather than actual desires or tendencies.

3. Can murder dreams predict real-life events?
There is no evidence to suggest that murder dreams predict real-life events. These dreams are more likely a reflection of your inner thoughts and feelings.

4. What should I do if I keep having nightmares about murder?
If nightmares about murder are frequent and disturbing, it might help to speak with a therapist. They can help you explore the underlying emotions and provide strategies to reduce these nightmares.

5. How can I stop having murder dreams?
Reducing stress, practicing relaxation techniques, and ensuring you get enough restful sleep can help decrease the frequency of disturbing dreams. If the dreams are tied to unresolved emotions, addressing these with a professional might also help.


Murder dreams are terrifying, but they do not always mean something bad. They often reflect buried emotions, fears or changes going on in your life you are not paying attention to. Knowing What it Means to Dream of Killing Someone or Understanding the Psychological Meaning Of Murder Dreams Or Even Asking yourself about The Spiritual meaning on these dreams can provide clarity into your mind. Just a reminder, dreams are personal and someone else's opinion is not necessarily going to make sense for you. Start by looking into how you feel and where your life stands, so that understanding what those dreams about murder mean in real-life can be a little easier to figure out.

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About Author
Clara Wren
Clara Wren

A Jungian analyst who uses traditional symbols and current psychological processes to help you understand your dreams at a deeper level.
