Dream: A superhero who can fly

Dream: A superhero who can fly

Last night I had a dream  that I was a superhero who could fly.

I think this is everyone's dream.Everyone wants to have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the world from above the clouds.It was a really good experience.

Then I found myself talking to someone who seemed to be my partner, then we went to the base to look for something, and a person (bad guy) arrived at our location, Unfortunately I lost and beat him so badly that I woke up because it was a nightmare.

Then I went back to sleep and tried to think of a sequel to my dream, and it actually  worked.I had the same dream and this time I won.It seems like a lucid dream.

Finally won,  this was one of my favorites. I think everyone in their life has had such a dream.

That's all for today.
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