Dream: A Detective

Dream: A Detective


In this dream ,

There was a bloody corpse of a middle-aged man dressed in a suit, lying in a room.
There were group of peoples stood around him with looks of surprise and fright on their faces.

One of them was killer , after sometime all went to their rooms and next scene i saw i am in a room alone afraid and then after sometime i heard someone loud voice there was a girl lying in hall in blood i went there to help her but someone try to attack me with knife i was afraid and started running i went up on top floor there were people.

As I ran through the door onto the top floor, out of breath and terrified, other peoples of that floor stared at me with confusion and concern. I tried explaining what had just happened but my voice seemed to be swallowed by the fear that hung around.

Suddenly, the lights flickered and went out, plunging the room into darkness. Everyone got panicked. I felt hand grasp my arm, pulling me back toward the stairs. 

Finally killers was infront of us and we all tried to catch him .

Just then, I woke up suddenly. 

Thats all for today guys . Thanks for Reading!


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