Of all dreams, there was one which was significantly noteworthy as if it was painted at an artistic masterpiece. It was the night that my sub-conscious created a scenario which felt so realistic as compared to real life. The scene was familiar yet magical – the school that we know and attend. The corridors which would always be filled with conversations were enveloped in a warm golden glow with ivy and flowers on the walls creating a fairy tale like atmosphere.
Entering this new school, I felt some kind of expectation being within me. Around a bend, there stands she – my high school sweetheart, the girl whom I have never dared to approach. She was staying near the old oak tree at the courtyard – in the soft, silvery light. She had the sparkles of the morning dew on her beautiful eyes and her smile was as warm as the sun.
We started speaking to each other with no sign of hesitation, as if we had been friends for many years. Every laugh line she produced seemed to sing in harmony with the sound of the foliage and birds chirping from a distance. That world appeared even more realistic, the grass seemed more green, the sky seemed bluer, and the air had the scent of honey.
We were taken into a walled garden, a paradise of trickling fountains and shaded alleys. She held my hand and we toured until we found the corners and whispered to each other. The chemistry we built was one of exhilaration and familiarity – we seemed to be destined for this particular moment.
In the course of the dream, I came across a calm water body with a clear indication of a night sky. We sat on the edge of the water and the mirror-like depiction of ourselves could be seen in the water. Leaning forward, we kissed as if it was the most important thing in the world; a hope, an agreement to meet again beyond time and space.
I awoke with my heart racing still, the dream left in my mind like perfume. It was a night of a real meeting, an enthusiastic interaction with a girl from school that looked like a dream. I never forgot it, and thus always had a thought of the wonders that life, and therefore our dreams contain.

Dream: An Excited Scenario of a School Hug with a Crush
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