I’ve heard that you can use lucid dreams to work on self-confidence. Has anyone tried this? I’m thinking about using my next lucid dream to practice speaking up in difficult situations. I wonder if it could help in real life. Would love to hear if anyone has used lucid dreaming to work on their confidence and how it worked out for them!
Shikinoh Mainopaz
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Saif saiful
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I’ve actually noticed a boost in confidence after practicing lucid dreaming. Being able to control things in dreams makes you feel more in control in real life too.
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This is something I’ve been working on. In lucid dreams, I try to face things that scare me, and it helps me feel braver when I wake up.
dhilal bouzid
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I’ve heard lucid dreaming can help with confidence. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m curious. Do you have any tips for boosting confidence through lucid dreams?