How Do Certain Foods Affect the Types of Dreams We Have? - (September 17, 2024, 12:00:00 AM)
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I’ve noticed that when I eat certain foods before bed, my dreams are more vivid or strange. Does anyone else experience this? I’m curious if there are specific foods or diets that can influence the kind of dreams we have.

I’ve actually noticed the same thing! Every time I eat cheese or something heavy before bed, my dreams get really weird. I’m not sure if it’s just a coincidence or if certain foods can really trigger specific dreams.

Yeah, I think it’s true! Whenever I eat spicy food late at night, my dreams become super vivid and strange. I wonder if it’s because it affects my digestion and sleep quality.

I’ve read somewhere that sugar or caffeine before bed can lead to more intense dreams. I try to avoid these late at night, but sometimes, it feels like it’s unavoidable.

Has anyone else had wild dreams after eating something sugary? It’s so strange, but it feels like my brain is working overtime when I do.