Can Technology and Screen Time Impact the Content of Our Dreams? - (September 17, 2024, 12:00:00 AM)
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I’ve read that using electronic devices before bed can affect sleep, but can it also influence what we dream about? I’ve been having more tech-related dreams, like about work or social media. Could screen time be to blame?

I definitely think screen time impacts dreams. I’ve had a few dreams recently that are almost like video games, and I spend a lot of time playing games before bed. It’s hard to wind down afterward.

It’s weird you mention this! I’ve been dreaming about social media lately, and I think it’s because I scroll through my phone before I fall asleep. I might try putting my phone away earlier.

Yeah, I think it’s pretty common. The other night, I had a dream that was basically an endless work email. I definitely blame my phone for that one.

Screen time might mess with sleep cycles too, which probably leads to more scattered or tech-based dreams. I get more restless sleep when I’ve been on my phone a lot.