Robert Molea
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Last night, I dreamt I was wandering through an endless tunnel, and no matter how far I walked, there was no exit. It wasn’t exactly scary, but it made me feel anxious. Could this represent feeling lost or uncertain about where I’m going in life? I’ve been stressed lately, so maybe it’s connected. What do you guys think this dream might mean?
alassri Abdrrahmane
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I hate these kinds of dreams. It’s like no matter what you do, you can’t find your way out. I think it’s about feeling lost in real life.
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Endless tunnels in dreams always make me think of being stuck in a situation or not seeing a way out. Anyone else feel that way?
TacoBell NASA
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Yeah, I’ve had this too. It’s frustrating because the dream never seems to end. I wonder if it means there’s something in my life I’m not dealing with.