Techniques to Achieve Lucid Dreaming

Techniques to Achieve Lucid Dreaming

Techniques to Achieve Lucid Dreaming
Unlock the Mystery of  Dreams: Techniques for Lucid Dreaming!

Have you ever wished that you could manipulate your own dreams, fly or even roam in a fantasy world?Welcome to the enthralling world of lucid dreaming!

Lucid dreaming is a process which enables one to realize that they are dreaming as they are still asleep and moreover, control their dream environment.
This is not just some science fiction.It’s a skill that can be developed by practice.

Find out more about the most effective methods of achieving lucid dreaming and get to know the science behind it!

The Science of Lucid Dreaming
Before we dive into the techniques let us first understand what it means regarding science.

What happens during lucid dreaming is that there is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phase involved. In fact, based on an article in Nature Neuroscience, about 55% of people have experienced them at least once in their lives and additionally, 23% experience them monthly (
Therefore, lucid dreaming is not only possible but actually quite common.

Techniques for attaining lucidity
1.Reality testing:
Reality testing involves surveying your surroundings several times a day to determine whether you are awake or dreaming.
Typical reality checks could include

  • Try to pinch your nose and breathe, you can breathe in your dreams.
  • Try Reading Text:  When you are dreaming, text is often different or even incomprehensible.
  • Watching Your Hands: Dreams can make your hands look distorted. 

Doing these tests consistently allows you to do them in a dream and thus attain lucidity.

2.Memory Induced Lucid Dreaming (MILD)
It was invented by Dr. Stephen LaBerge, an early researcher of lucid dreaming and it includes as follows;
Set-Up Intention: Say something like this before you sleep “I see that I’m sleeping”.
Imaging: Think that some recent dream was a lucid one.
Affirmation : Affirm that you will know when a dream comes up again.Survey published in *Dreaming* showed that MILD method led to the achievement of lucid dreaming in about  46 percent of the subjects(

3.Wake Back To Bed (WBTB)
The WBTB method entails waking up after roughly 5-6 hours of sleep, staying awake for about twenty to thirty minutes and then going back to bed again.
This technique increases your chances of entering REM sleep, the stage during which lucid dreaming is most likely to occur.

This method is extremely successful when combined with WBTB and MILD.

4.Keep a Dream Journal
As soon as you wake up, you can write down your dreams in order to remember them better and become more aware of dream patterns
. Over time, you may notice recurring themes or symbols that trigger lucid dreams.

5.Using External Signals
Such as NovaDreamer Devices like the NovaDreamer use light and sound signals to let you know when you are in REM sleep.

These signals can help you realize you are dreaming.

These instruments have a high cost although they have numerous advantages over each other in realizing lucid dreaming. Different Approaches to Lucid Dreaming It’s not only the West who has intrigued itself about Lucid dreaming.

Different cultures have investigated and embraced lucidity for years.
Tibetans practice “dream yoga” which means maintaining consciousness while we are going through dreams.Indigenous people such as the Malaysians Senoi people have been using dreams as a means to solve problems among their communities.


Lucid dreaming is an incredible journey into the depths of your subconscious.Whether you want to explore fantasy worlds, solve real-world problems, or just have fun, the techniques  above will help you unlock the magic of  dreams.
So what are you waiting for?

Start your lucid dream adventure tonight!

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